Women all over the world marched, rallied, and demonstrated in solidarity to commemorate International Women’s Day. While the tradition was established a century ago, never before have so many women demonstrated in so many places in so many countries. To show solidarity, women wore red, whether they were demonstrating or not.
Some cities had multiple demonstrations with over lapping themes.
There were three in Washington DC.
At noon, the Democratic women Members of Congress appeared together on the Capitol steps.
Also at noon, marchers walked from Freedom Plaza to Lafayette Park to protest Trump’s Global Gag Rule in front of the White House. This prohibits any entity throughout the world which gets any US aid from discussing abortion, even when the US aid is not involved.
Women workers were the focus of the third event later in the afternoon. Using the theme of Women Workers Rising, women rallied at the Department of Labor and then walked down Pennsylvania Ave. to a second rally in a nearby park. There, union women and women organizers from other counties talked about the importance of women’s labor and described women’s grievances as workers. Still wearing their red suits, some of the women MCs who had appeared earlier addressed the crowd.