In this episode, Neil, Natalia, and Niki discuss the racial dissembling of historian Jessica Krug.
Here are some links and references mentioned during this week’s show:
- George Washington University historian Jessica Krug has been posing as a Black woman for years, and recently outed herself online. Neil referred to Martha Sandweiss’ book, Passing Strange: A Gilded Tale of Love and Deception Across the Color Line. Natalia referenced this interview with Rachel Dolezal.
In our regular closing feature, What’s Making History:
- Natalia discussed the controversy over enforcing “video-on” while teaching remotely.
- Neil shared about Matthew Gilbert’s Boston Globe article, “The Brits do crime shows really, really well.”
- Niki recommended John Hodgman’s book, Vacationland, as well as his podcast, Judge John Hodgman.