Sex & GenderThe Powerful Convergence of Past, Present, and Future in Catherine Texier’s Latest Novel January 23, 2025Hannah McIntyre, Catherine Texier
EconomyDownward Mobility as a Relative Loss in Economic Security December 19, 2024Teresa Ghilarducci, Ludovica Tursini
PsycheGenerations of Women in The Witches of El Paso December 11, 2024Marisol Aveline Delarosa, Luis Jaramillo
Evo Morales’ Presidency in Bolivia was Imperfect and ContestedIan ZuckermanTeaches politics at Regis University. He is writing a book about emergency powers.
The Prime Minister Versus HistoryAlistair SomervilleGraduate student at Georgetown University in Washington, DC.
This Mess of Troubled TimesKarl SchlögelProfessor of Eastern European History at the Viadrina University, Frankfurt/Oder.
The New NegroClaire PotterContributing Editor at Public Seminar, and Emeritus Professor of History at the New School for Social Research
An Interview with Novelist Kaitlyn GreenidgeClaire PotterContributing Editor at Public Seminar, and Emeritus Professor of History at the New School for Social Research
Putting Yourself On the Line: Talking Social Justice With Douglas White and Cidra SebastienClaire PotterContributing Editor at Public Seminar, and Emeritus Professor of History at the New School for Social Research
Translation Can Be a Peculiar DrugVal VinokurAssociate Professor of Literary Studies, Schools of Public Engagement, The New School
Translating Isaac Bashevis Singer’s WorkDavid StrombergWriter, translator, and literary scholar based in Jerusalem