Roughly two thousand people gathered on the southwest corner of the Ellipse to demand that the US not move its embassy to Jerusalem.

In the shadow of the National Christmas Tree and the National Menorah, they said Jerusalem was the capital of Palestine, not Israel.

While most participants stood around the platform, some prayed off to the side, facing northeast.

About 50 men were in the front lines. A dozen women prayed in back of the men.

Women were among the speakers.

The rally was joined by two dozen men and boys from Based in upstate New York, with three synagogues in Brooklyn, they regularly come to DC to participate in demonstrations against Israel, and proudly fly the Palestinian flag. Women stay at home.

Brought by American Muslims for Palestine, demonstrators listened to speakers for two hours before marching up Pennsylvania Avenue.

Marchers paused for the ritual stop at the Trump Hotel. Every group marching on Pennsylvania Avenue spends at least a few minutes shouting at the Trump Hotel.

Then they continued to the Capitol.