On Mother’s Day the Granny Peace Brigade sang to commuters passing through New York’s Grand Central Station about the need to end all wars.
About two dozen women joined by a couple men gathered in a semi-circle, where they sang such songs as “We Rage to End All War,” “Take Me Out of the War Game,”and “Let Our Children Grow.”

Modeled on the Raging Grannies of Tucson, AZ, the Granny Peace Brigade formed in 2005 to protest the war in Iraq.

They passed out flyers pointing out that Mother’s Day can be traced to a Proclamation Against War written in 1870 by Julia Ward Howe because she was horrified by the carnage of the civil war. A woman from CodePink passed out its 2019 Peace Proclamation.

Jo Freeman has published eleven books and hundreds of articles. She is currently finishing a history and memoir of working for SCLC in 1965-66.
HI JO! I just now saw this great photo you took quite awhile ago. Actually, it’s of the NYC METRO RAGING GRANNIES, not the Granny Peace Brigade. I was there!