Sex & GenderThe Powerful Convergence of Past, Present, and Future in Catherine Texier’s Latest Novel January 23, 2025Hannah McIntyre, Catherine Texier
EconomyDownward Mobility as a Relative Loss in Economic Security December 19, 2024Teresa Ghilarducci, Ludovica Tursini
PsycheGenerations of Women in The Witches of El Paso December 11, 2024Marisol Aveline Delarosa, Luis Jaramillo
When a Boycott Blocks Queer ResearchMarc SteinJamie and Phyllis Pasker Professor of History at San Francisco State University
When Welfare Was a Route to Community Empowerment in Las VegasAnnelise OrleckAnnelise Orleck is Professor of History at Dartmouth College
What the “Gender Reveal” RevealsBenjamin BernardGraduate student in the department of history at Princeton University
What America Teaches White Men About Asian American WomenNadia Y. KimProfessor of Sociology at Loyola Marymount University; author of Imperial Citizens: Koreans and Race from Seoul to LA
How Should We Commemorate Mary Wollstonecraft?Sandrine BergèsProfessor of philosophy at Bilkent University
Cis Lit and the Trans WriterMcKenzie WarkProfessor of Culture and Media, New School for Social Research